#005 Alisha the Nepali Tinder Slut (Part 2)
Alisha talks to her online bestie about size. When she finds out he's small, she can't stop thinking of the meanest and most humiliating things to say to him, just for fun. How cruel can Alisha get?
Note: This is a real story with real events, but the names have been changed and personal identifying information is always redacted in audio recordings and screenshots.
Warning: This is just a kink, and the content is meant for pleasure. If you are distressed, stop reading and seek help.
Alisha brought up the topic of size one time while we were talking on the phone. She often googled random things when she was bored, and one of the things she had recently found out was that guys from her country supposedly had the smallest average penis size in the world, apparently under four inches. It was undoubtedly part of the reason Alisha didn’t date guys from Nepal and exclusively dated foreigners. She shared with me that of the more than 90 guys she slept with, only one was from Nepal: it was a Tibetan guy she had slept with in the early days of her sex life. I asked her who was the smallest guy she’d been with, and she confirmed that it was indeed the Tibetan guy. No wonder then that she stopped having any interest in guys from her country after what could only have been a disappointing experience.