Chronicles #006: Michelle the Florida Art Student (Part 2)
Michelle talks to her friend about the kind of guys she likes and she gets very comfortable talking about size. So much talk about guys with her friend leads Michelle to some assumptions about him...
This took place before I did Michelle’s homework in the previous part.
I was very curious about Michelle’s dating life, the kinds of guys she dated, what she found attractive in them, what she found repulsive, and the general requirements she had to see someone as a sexual prospect. She was young and hot, and as often happens with girls like her who are coveted by so many men, their standards are usually high, sometimes shockingly so. Michelle was naturally beautiful and never had any surgery work done. I asked her if she ever would, given the she lived in Florida, the leading state in cosmetic surgeries. She told me she’d only ever go under the knife if she had a baby and it messed up her body.