Chronicles #021: Milena the Romanian Single Mom (Part 1)
Milena is too busy to do her assignments herself for her university degree. She's looking for someone who can do her homework and do it well. She's very clear about what she wants.
I met Milena online when she was looking for someone to do her university assignments. The only thing I knew about her before contacting her was that she lived in the UK and that she looked very attractive. She had long dark hair and big brown eyes. In her picture, she was wearing a purple top that resembled a dress and it generously showed her cleavage. She puckered her lips in the picture which made her look all the more pretty.
The whole thing was straightforward: I saw what Milena was looking for and I instantly jumped on the opportunity to talk to her about it. In my mind, it was as if I was interviewing for a position. I was very excited and didn’t want to mess up the chance of doing Milena’s assignments for her, even though I knew nothing else about her. I didn’t even know what subject she needed help with.
She offered to call me and when she did, she got right down to it. She told me she was in her second year of university, studying business marketing for her degree. She told me she didn’t have any assignments at the moment we were talking, but she said she would in the future. She was looking in advance for somebody to help her, and she wasn’t just looking for a one-time thing. She wanted somebody with whom she could build a sort of relationship and who could help her over a long time. It was music to my ears.